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"it will tell you where to get the best coffee all over auckland !!! gilly and greg are the most bestest people in the world for this job. i trust them with my life so that means they know what they are talking about" - JoJo Soloman

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Revel, K Rd

Revel Mochaccino

* Appearance

We got them to go, as we had a road trip to take. None-the-less i enjoyed it in a minimalistic smooth white paper cup with white lid. Very colour coordinated and classy. this was consumed with the background of seths face, which only added to the experience... In a positive way i guess. - Gilly

* Flavour

Hot dog, this was a really really really really really really really really really nice mocha. it was really strong, but was easy to drink. it was heavy on the coffee side of the ratio, but it was nice non-bitter coffee so it didnt matter. Seriously impressed by this mocha. - Gilly

Will make sure to update this post with a comment from big nick, as he had one too.

* Temperature

Good, it was a tad too hot to drink at first, which is how i like it. Because then you can wait and drink it at the perfect temperature. Much better than it being slightly below perfect temperature then going down hill from there. - Gilly

* Foam Ratio

Not really applicable as had it in one of them cups with the sipper lid. - Gilly

* Marshmallow

the guy offered us marshmallows which was well recieved by the boys. And of course we obliged his request. - Gilly

In Conclusion, this mocha was definitely deserving of a "Fuckkin Terrrrrific" award. It was only slightly let down by having coffee grounds or some shit in the bottom of it, which im probably wrong about, and will get corrected upon within a few days.

It cost: $4

Rating: 8 Thumbs up

PS: I hope you appreciate the effort gone into this. while we were on the motorway on ramp, not moving from traffic, a cop was watching me take the picture with my phone. And boy, was he NOT impressed. My broke ass could have gotten a mean fine for that shit, but we managed to slink away. F.T.P - Gilly

- GREGGG & True Chilly Gilly

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Santos, Quay st

Santos Mochaccino

* Appearance

This was pretty average. Just served in a cappuccino cup, which made me feel like i was a grown up drinking a proper grown up drink. Chocolate powder as per usual. Im not sure what it means when the foam has dark parts swirled in it, should probably find that out.

* Flavour

This was a well made Mochaccino, it was strong and flavoursome. its chocolate to coffee ratio was a bit heavy on the side of coffee. It did have kind of a weird after taste which i think had something to do with the foam, perhaps the dark parts of the foam? I dont even know, thats just a theory. lol.

Greg said he enjoyed this. not quite up to "fukkin terrific" level though

* Temperature

Cant really remember so will say it was good??

* Foam Ratio

As you may have gathered from reading this review, something was up with the foam, it was a good depth, but read the other bits for yourself, im too lazy to write it all out again sorry :(

* Marshmallow????????

Nah bol no marshmallow.

In conclusion this was a pretty good mocha, i would reccomend it to people who want to get a mocha and drink it.

It cost $tree-fiddy. which is a good price.

6.25 thumbs up

PS: Our friend Sam said i should do some thingee about the Ambiantic value of the joint. we sat outside and it was windy. was a fresh kind of breeze though and was somewhat warm.

i give the breeze about a 5 thumbs down

- True Chilly Gilly

i will try get Gregor to do a proper review one day

Friday, January 15, 2010

First Review - Andiamo, Jervois Rd

Welcome to the first edition of 'The Mocha-sceneo'. There was a decision to make 2010 the year of finding the best Mochaccino in Auckland, and thought we may as well share the knowledge with the rest of the ridiculed, outcast, Pariahs of the heated drinks community.

The drinks with be judged on these factors:

* Appearance
* Flavour
* Temperature
* Foam Ratio
* Whether or not you get a Marshmallow

Andiamo Mochaccino

* Appearance

The best thing about how it looked was the darkness of the drink, which basically means it gonna be strong as fuck. other than that it was pretty generically served in a glass with chocolate powder. not that the standards are too high, its not like they are gonna serve it in a 5 litre bucket with a curly straw and an umbrella.

* Flavour

Im tellin ya son, the flavour was terrific. It was almost too strong, but im a mad wuss so it would be perfect for a person who actually can handle strong drinks. They used fine Italian chocolate, and you could tell, it had a good Coffee to Chocolate ratio. This was evident by the darkness of the drink.

* Temperature


* Foam Ratio

Im not sure of the actual ratio, but this was good. it was about 70mm deep, and was a good density.

* Marshmallow

Fuck yes we got one. we even got two...

In conlusion, this was a fuckin delicious drink. I hope to return in a few months, when i can handle actual strong drinks. We got them for free so i cant tell you the cost.

But honestly, it would be same even if we paid for them.

If anyone else wants to give us free ones, please feel free.

RATING: 8 Thumbs up

- True Chilly Gilly